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Re: ftpproxy with dselect

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Andrew wrote:

> Here's a pretty kettle of fish: 
> the method recently recommened for ftp proxies with dselect doesn't work,
> because my lovely isp requires you to login to the proxy using your
> username and password, and to get to the site by issuing a
> ftp> user anonymous@ftphost.some.domain.etc
> dselect doesn't seem to be designed with this in mind. Any suggestions? 

If you're up to it, you could write a little something in perl that
on one end listens to a port on your box and on the other end talks to
your isp's ftp-proxy. When a ftp client connects to it, let it connect to
the isp's proxy and that in turn to a debian ftp site. Next, just let all
the traffic pass through transparently.

If you had this, dselect wouldn't need to have to deal with proxies.

If you are up to it and you can get it to work, please contribute it to
dselect. If not, don't ask me :-)




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