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debian-user FAQ: your help is needed!

Greetings all!

I've set up a framework for debian-user FAQ using FAQ-O-Matic by Jon Howell.  
Faq-o-matic allows maintaining a FAQ using web interface.  I hope this FAQ 
will become one of the best and most thorough databases of linux info on the 
net.  This requires most of us to contribute however.  At this point, I am 
looking for moderators for each section (see below).  I am also looking for 
feedback regarding the setup.  I am sure some categories need to be added, and 
the color scheme is probably not the best, but I am not sure which is better.  
Anyone who wants to customize the color scheme of faqomatic should contact me.   

The way I set it up for debian-user FAQ is for every section (category) to have
a  maintainer who would be the only one allowed to modify the items in the 
section.  Under every section, there is a world-writable "submit your answers" 
section where users can post their submissions, and the maintainer would later 
move it.  To sum up, the responsibility of the section moderator/maintainer is 
to make sure his section is up-to-date, add answers based on the threads in 
debian-user, and manage the user-submitted answers and feedback.

Please contact me if you'd like to help.

P.S. the FAQ is at http://www.debian.org/cgi-bin/fom  almost forgot  :-)

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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