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inetd problems!!!

(this is an all hamm system)

Ok, I've got some problems.  Namely, inetd is no longer started at boot
time, whats up with that?

Here's what happened.  I decided to install xinetd because I thought that
might fix some of the other random net problems I was having.  (finger
connections from the outside world were being refused, ls didn't show
any output for outside anonymous users, etc)

So I installed it.  That package has problems.  xinetd wasn't started when
the package was done, and it didn't start after a reboot.

That was annoying...so I removed that package.  I think that inetd should
be reinstated at this point, but the package doesn't do that.  So now I'm
without an inetd.  So I use dpkg -S one inetd and see its in the netbase
package.  So I removed just that package and then reinstalled it.

For some reason, inetd STILL is no longer being started.  Any ideas?

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