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Re: divide the list - in what ?

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Lorens Kockum wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 13, 1998 at 11:13:25AM +0100, Irmund Thum wrote:
> > Shouln't it be possible to divide the list in beginners and advanced?
> Wouldn't it be possible to divide it into something like
> 	configuration (problems with install and configuration)
> 	advocacy (content of packages, which to use, when is the new
> 	distribution to be released, etc)

The problem here is most people will have to subscribe to both anyway, so
we haven't fixed anything.  The idea is to split it in a way that many
people only need to join one.  

I personally like the advanced/user split, but many people don't want to
see the advanced members leave the user list.  Also they are afraid that
newbies will just ask on the advanced list since they don't know when they
are ready.  I don't believe this will happen simply because I've seen this
split work before, people know when they are ready and will lurk if they
aren't sure.  Also, newbies are pretty dang good at helping each other

My response is to simply read a small fraction of the e-mail I receive
because of time constraints.  I also would like to make a very through
guide that could eliminate 90% of the newbie questions on the list.  But
this won't happen for a while, because of time constraints.

Oh, I'm supposed to be working, gotta go,

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