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Re: X-win more effiecient than Win95?

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Tim Thomson wrote:

> Hi,
> A friend of mine asked me if X-win was more efficient than Win95 on the
> same system?

Windows is 1) A windowing system on top of DOS or 2) An operating system

X is a protocol for displaying information.  You can run X on MS Windows
machines (Reflection-X, Hummingbird Exceed).  X is nothing more than the
protocol.  It simply allows you to disply graphics and transmit graphical
information over the network (with X, the window manager might be running
on one machine but displaying on another). 

They are completely different things.  Windows is a desktop manager.
There are several different window managers that you can run under X.
Examples are CDE, fvwm, fvwm2, mwm, twm, olwm, fvwm95, kde, the list is
nearly endless.  Each has their own look and feel and some are more
efficient than others.  

> I said it would probably be better for somethings, and maybe slower than
> others, but I wasn't sure - so I though to ask you people.

Totally different concepts.  It is like asking if DOS is better than
telnet or if MacOS is better than FTP.  The comparison does not make

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
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