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hmm NT domains ans sharee access

As I run Linux on my 486 here at work...
(btw I got it working again ...thanx for the help everyone who e-mailed
I want to make iso9660 CD ROM images on my 486 and then burn them
the problem is disk space
I am using an 850 MB hard drive.,..and thatrs really all I have.
which I can put 650 MB of files on...but then have no space to store the
(I would then FTP the image to another system for burning...so it only
to be there a short time really)
Win95 machines here logon to an NT domain...and map a "home drive" with
unknown storage space limits
(none set that Iknow of...and those servers have ALOT of space...I have
whole CD ROM images there and been told "ahh there have been worst
if I could authenticate with the domain..and acess my home drive and
mount it..
I would be all set
I could image and burn Linux CDs to my hearts content
is there any software to let me do that?
if not..is there any way I can take a directory tree and make it into an
ISO image
such that th eoriginal tree  is destroyed (thus I don't need 2 times the
hard drive space)
is there a better place to ask? (im just looking for pointers
since everyone here has been so helpful)
President CLinton has recently proposed a bill to make research into the
of human genetic cloneing illegal.
If you are a US citizen, please call your congressman and help STOP this
Help Keep politics out of science.
(I know this signature is long but its important--it will be changed to
something shorter and funnier at a later date)

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