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Xresources, Xdefaults, and xmailbox

I'm trying to set up xmailbox to play a .wav when I get new mail,  and
I've got this in .Xresources

xmailbox*mailSndFile: ~/music/samples/1308.wav
xmailbox*mailSndComm: /usr/bin/bplay %s    

But nothing happens when xmailbox is running other than the system beep.
Any ideas?


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
|               	So don't beg,  and don't plead ...               |
|                   you can't have the heart you make bleed....          |
|                    -- The Beautiful South,  "Love is..."               |

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