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bad disk spot, and more troubles starting xdm

grr.  After two years, i finally had a real crash.  By this point, I was 
suspicious enough to wipe the disk--there had been plenty of heat freezes 
before I got the coooling in.  Even got a kernel panic.

Anyway, about 60% of the way through formatting the / partition, the drive 
ground for a while, much like a floppy read, then went on.  I assume it found 
a bad spot.  But how do i check to make sure it recorded this?

Also, I don't seem to have xdm working again.  I have the lines

# font server configuration file
# $XConsortium: config.cpp,v 1.7 91/08/22 11:39:59 rws Exp $

clone-self = on
use-syslog = off
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,/us
error-file = /var/lib/xfs/xfs-errors
# in decipoints
default-point-size = 120
default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100

for /etc/X11/config, and /etc/X11/XF86Config is sufficient that startx works 
as expected.

however, no xdm is started on boot, and 
  /etc/init.d/xdm start

merely starts an idle process that does nothing.




I also can't start in other than 8bpp; attempting 16 just gives me 8, and 24 
gives me an unusable screen.  I really don't need them much, save that i run 
staroffice4 in 16, as it's a color hog.

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