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How to set domain ?

I installed Debian a couple of months ago when I was using a PPP
connection to the net. I just made up a hostname with no domain during the
install and left it at that.
  Now I will have a permanent net connection with a static IP. I am using
the name service of ml.org to make my system themarket.ml.org.
I changed the /etc/hostname to themarket and added themarket and
themarket.ml.org to /etc/hosts. I put 'domain ml.org' in /etc/resolv.conf.
  Everything looked ok, the /etc/issue showed up right and the hostname
was fine in my prompt but if I type hostname --fqdn it only shows
themarket and not themarket.ml.org. 
  When I try to use pine it tells me 'Incomplete mail domain themarket'
and that the return address on my mail will be incorrect.
  If I put the whole name in /etc/hostname, Pine works fine, but the issue
file and my prompts both show the full name not just the 'themarket'.
  I installed the bind package hoping that might help, but no change. From
the docs that came with bind it sounds like it needs a great deal of free
memory, I only have an 8 meg system so I guess running named is a bad idea
anyway ...
  How can I set the domain without screwing up the hostname ?
  As you can probably tell, I'm not very familiar with Linux yet, any
help would be appreciated.

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