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Re: LILO stopped working

On Sat, 10 Jan 1998 bhmit1@mail.wm.edu wrote:

> Oh dear, a second person that thinks I'm an expert :-)


> You should copy your 2.0.32 map file to the boot directory I think.
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I guess these would have been in the same directory as the kernel, which
will be gone by now. I removed most of the source as I only have a 100meg

> Eek, I think this is your problem.  I've never tried to defrag an e2fs
> partition since it does pretty good on its own.

I didn't have a problem with it, (well, I did after I defragged it - I
freaked out when it stopped at the LILO prompt - thought I had trashed
it, after hearing so many horror stories, but I fixed it after 
remembering to reconfigure LILO- (the same way you told the other person).
The only reason I defragged it was because I had removed and
installed lots of files while the drive was near full (only 100meg

I was wondering what files in the /boot directory I could remove safely,
like the system map for the old kernel, and what the system map actually
does. What do the files in the /boot dir do? The only file touched since
installing is /boot/map which (I guess) LILO had done, after I
reconfigured it.

BTW, liloconfig is easier to remember than the other command to
reconfigure LILO.



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