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Re: misc questions: screen, version notation

G. Crimp wrote:
> 	I am in an interrogative mood this evening.  There are two things
> that have often caught my eye when cruising the dselect selection
> browser.  The screen package is one.  From the description it seems to
> me to be pretty much the same thing as the virtual terminals that come
> part and parcel with Linux.  Are they the same, or do they provide
> something the VT's don't ?

Screen is useful becuase you can use it in situation where you're not at the
console -- telnet to a remote host and run screen therem run it in your
xterm, or from a dumb terminal.

It also has additional handy features, most notable is the ability to
"detach" the programs running under screen, and reattach to them later, from
> 	How does one read the version numbers in the dselect window ?  Eg.,
> gsfonts 4.01-5.  What does the -5 stand for ?

It's the debian version number.

see shy jo

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