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Support for Adaptec AHA-2910?


Can anyone tell me whether the Adaptec AHA-2910 is supported by the
aic7xxx driver.  Adaptec's product literature states that the 2910 has
the same architecture (minus BIOS) as the AHA-2940 and is supported by
the same 7800 Family Manager Set software drivers for Win95/NT, etc.


------   Dr. Raymond Rusk   ------|\^/|------------Internet: ---------
         Network Services      _|\|   |/|_       rrusk@uvic.ca 
      University of Victoria   >         <   Voice: (250) 721-7654 
------ Victoria, BC V8W 3P4 ---->_./|\._<----  Fax: (250) 721-8778 ---

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