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Hamm upgrade troubles. Help!

My system is now unusable.  Before the holidays, I performed the
steps in the libc5 to libc6 mini-HOWTO successfully.  Today, I
decided to try to use dselect to upgrade to hamm.  dselect dowloaded
60+MB from the mirror I pointed to (ftp.cdrom.com).  I went through
a couple of passes of "Install" and then tried "Config" once.
This went through and eventually config'ed xbase.  This restarted
my xdm server.  The problem is that my video card (at times) can
only start X once.  Further attempts to start X lock the machine up
tight (which is why I moved to xdm in the first place).  This was one
of those times, and the machine locked up (that is not the problem).  The 
only solution that I have found to this is to press "reset".  I did
this and then the real probelms started...

The boot started correctly, but then got to this point:
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly
INIT: version 2.73 booting
INIT: Cannot execute "/etc/init.d/boot"
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
Starting system log daemon: syslogdstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - 
not mounted?

I get many of the "start-stop-daemon" errors.

Later it says:
while opening UTMP file: No such file or directory.

I also get many of these errors.

If I try to log in as root, I get (using the correct password):
Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: Bad file descriptor

I have no idea how to correct these problems.  I have had this system 
going since early Debian 1.1 days and I am stumped.  What do I need to do?

Since I need my machine to read the mail list, could everyone at least
cc: a copy of any responses to this account.

Thanks for any assistance,

Maria Rightley -*-*-*-*-*-*- mljason@ames.ucsd.edu -*-*-*-*-*-*- Da Pooh Bear 
Co-Founder: PSEB -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Member: DDEB-2
         "Beware! Beware! Be a very wary bear!"--honey pots to Pooh
                          Personal Motto:  E Aho Laula

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