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Debian and setups

I am currently using RedHat 4.1 at home and have 5.0 running at work
(I work at the biggest Windows NT Domain int he country (or so I hear)
they would shit if they knew I had a linux box on my desk)
I am starting to get tired of RedHat...I mean...they are pretty good.
Never really had much problems with it...but...
im interested in a system where I can get more "into" it...
lets face it.. RedHat is EASY to setup in X...but drop back
out to command mode...and your screwed (ever tried to run their
PPP connect script from a command line?)
anyway...I have heard really good things about debian...and would like
to lfind out more.
I am intereste din a system where I can install things....then go
through the config files (not
some X interface) and read the docs...
and configure it....
and I like the idea of compiling everything from source
so...I am new to this list...what am I gonna find with debian?
I mean...I know what im talking about is more work on the actual
but im running Linux not NT....I want it to do what _I_ want...not
what it wants to do.

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