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Mail problems

Hi all,
           I added a new hard drive to my system the other day and seem to
have introduced a problem with my smail setup.

The new drive is divided into 4 partitions. one is unused, one is mounted
under /var, the next is mounted under /usr and the last is swap.

To get the existing data onto the new drive I used tar to preserve
permissions and links etc.. with a command like
tar cf - . | (cd /new/usr; tar xvf - .) where /new was the mount point of
the new drive before I copied the data. When the copy was finished I edited
fstab, deleted the contents of /usr and mounted the new partition. So far so

Now, when I use microsofts outlook express to retrieve my mail from the
linux machine ( which has the net connection) I get the following error

ERR Error locking your mailbox.

And the following error in my /var/log/mail.log file

Jan  4 13:51:13 dragon cucipop[1346]: Error opening john's mailbox

Mail in my box is not deleted after I pick it up with the result that I end
up with multiple copies of the same message.

My guess is it's something to do with permissions.

Any ideas ?


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