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Re: DOOM - broken pipe

Þann 01-Jan-98 skrifar Joey Hess:
> What version of doom are you using? Do you have doom-musserver installed,
> and if so, what version? Do you have a sound card?

  The problem was, that I am using NAS to network'ize my soundcard, and that
meant doom couldn't acquire the card.  Whenever I move the cursor in the menu,
there is a sound, which is why it broke.

  There is a sndserver for NAS, and I compiled it.  It seems to work ok, but it
would be better if it was possible to set a variable to point to it, so you
don't have to overwrite the original sndserver, which provides far better

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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