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exmh & pop

I'm having a devil of a time getting this set up right; I'm not sure
that I'm following the instructions properly.

I have a debian 1.3 system.

I've set up smail as "satellite," with eyry.econ.iastate.edu as the
identifier for mail from my system, and iastate.edu as the correct reply
to system.

I've set incorporation style to presortmulti, and have a .xmhcheck file

inbox /usr/spool/mail/hawk
inbox pop-3.iastate.edu rhawkins

I note that a .netrc file is required, so I have 

machine pop-3.iastate.edu login rhawkins password mypasswordhere

However, I'm only guessing at the format of .netrc after reading the
manpage on netrc on our vincent machines.

I also have a maildelivery file of 

default - + ? inbox

This doesn't work, though.  On inc, it successfully gets mail on the
local machine to hawk, but doesn't get the vincent mail (altthough the
status bar suggests that it's trying).

Can anyone suggest anything?


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