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Re: kernel source?

On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Mark A. Bialik wrote:

> everything's been going well. Here's my one problem. I selected to install
> the kernel-source for 2.0.29 and 2.0.30 from my new 1.3.1 cd using dselect.
> Afterwards, it shows that it was installed, but my /usr/src directory is
> still empty.
> #1 Where is this source?

It should be in /usr/src.  You must have done something wrong with dselect
or dpkg.  To debug, try going to your kernel file and doing 
"dpkg -i <file name>.deb"  (The deb is there to remind you that dpkg
doesn't work on tgz files.)

> #2 Do I still compile using the make config like before?

You can, but as someone mentioned, you can also use debian's program
make-kpkg.  By using the debian program, you can make a .deb file to be
installed with dpkg or dselect.

> #3 If I just pull the kernel source via ftp, can I compile like before
> (slackware) or do I risk damaging any of Debian's package management features?

You can, as I've done many times before.  I don't believe there are any
packages that depend on a kernel source, so making the deb is only
advantageous if you have a reason for controlling kernel's with dselect.

Good luck,

Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: bhmit1@mail.wm.edu
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html
                  PGP: finger -l bhmit1@cs.wm.edu                 
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