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Re: Green monitor functions

Randy Edwards <redwards@together.net> writes:

>    While running X, Debian blanks my screen just fine.  However, what I'd
> like to do is to convince Debian to handle the "green" power-saving
> functions of my video system.  This functions well under Win95 and OS/2, but
> for some reason doesn't seem to work with Debian.

It took me forever to figure this out.

I have

xset s noblank
xset s noexpose
xset dpms 3600 7200 0

in ~/.xsession. Check the docs for xset to see why. (I believe it
requires a recent version.) Just entering "xset" will give you a list
of options.

 Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
 mharnois@sbt.net  aa0bt@aa0bt.ampr.org
 "Few sinners are saved after the first 20 minutes of 
  a sermon."  --Mark Twain

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