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Re: gettyps, uugetty etc?

In your email to me, Miguel A. Figueroa, you wrote:
> Hi,
> Any pointer to info on the tty -vs- cua setup for modems? I just 
> installed Debian in place of Redhat (can I get an amen), and I used 


> to have to have two devices for one modem. ttyS1 for dial-in and cua1 
> for dialout. For dialout, I need it for PPP which works great, but 
> for UUCP from office to home, the modem refuses to pick up. I set up 
> all the sames stuff for uugetty, uucp and smail. Any pointers to FAQs 
> mailing lists etc will be much appreciated.

Use mgetty. I have a page on configuring mgetty for Win95/PAP
dialin (www.buoy.com), and the docs that come with mgetty are 
pretty good.


 (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
   "It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
      -- John Logue
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