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Getting a list of spamers (multiple sites) for sendmail or mailagent


	The following script (which is now a part of the Debian
 mailagent package) gets a list of spam domains and email adresses
 from a built in list of half-a-dozen or so sites which update this
 information, and can format the data so that one may feed sendmail or
 mailagent directly to filter spam.

	Maybe this can be massaged to cover other MTA's. I think I can
 massage it to do lookups and generate IP addresses for tcp wrappers. 

	In any case, the man page is embedded, try 
 % pod2man <getspam> | nroff -man > getspam.1

 Justice is incidental to law and order. Edgar Hoover
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
#! /usr/bin/perl
#                              -*- Mode: Perl -*- 
# getspam --- 
# Last Modified By : Manoj Srivastava
# Last Modified On : Wed Aug 13 17:44:23 1997
# Last Machine Used: tiamat.datasync.com
# Update Count     : 52
# Status           : Unknown, Use with caution!
# HISTORY          : 
# Description      : 
# $Id: getspam,v 1.1 1997/08/13 22:44:47 srivasta Exp $

#			  Copyright (c) 1997
#	     Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com>,
#		Scott Blachowicz <scott@statsci.com>,
#				 and
#	       Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>.
#			 All rights reserved.
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of either:
#        a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#        Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
#        later version, or
#        b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this
#    Kit, in the file named "Artistic".  If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
#    You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

require 5.001;

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use Carp;
use Sys::Hostname;
use URI::Escape;
use LWP::Simple;
use Getopt::Long;

package main;

=head1 NAME

getspam - A script to get the latest list of spammers.



 usage: getspam [options] 
 where the options are:

=over 2

=item --lists LISTNAME

colon seperated list of indices into hash of URLs, currently this is
one of aol, mindspring, znet, iocom, nancynet, cyberpromo, llv)

=item --output OUTPUT  

base prefix for split lists, filename for merged list

=item --help

A short usage message.

=item --[no]split

split lists into individual files - default is on for 'mailagent' and
off for others)

=item --type TYPE_OF_OUTPUT 

"sendmail" or "mailagent" - default "mailagent"

=item --[no]verbose





This utility creates a series of lines that look like

=over 2





which happen to be directly useful in .rules lines that look like this:

=over 2


E<lt>INITIAL<gt> Envelope From Sender Relayed Reply-To: "~/.spamlist" {

=over 4

	    ANNOTATE -d X-merlyn-spam Smells like spam from %1;


Alternatively, it can produce files ready for the B<check_mail2> macro
in recent B<sendmail> versions, so that one may automatically keep
ones spam filter up to date. The default is mailagent format.

This version of the getspam utility has been podified and tweaked by
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>, based entirely on the work of
Scott Blachowicz <scott@statsci.com> (the program structire is mostly
his), which, in turn, was inspired by and based on the script posted
to the Agent users list by Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com>. 


sub main { 
  my $ret;
  my $lists = 'ALL';
  my $spam_base = "$ENV{'HOME'}/spamlist";
  my $output_type = "mailagent";
  my $split_lists = 1;
  my $verbose = 0;
  my $help = 0;
  my $MYNAME = '';
  ($MYNAME     = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
  my $usage= <<EOUSAGE;
 usage: $MYNAME [options]
 where the options are: 
   --lists LISTNAME 
     colon separated list of indices into hash of URLs, currently this
     is one of aol, mindspring, znet, iocom, nancynet, cyberpromo, llv
   --help    This message.
   --output OUTPUT  
             base prefix for split lists, filename for merged list)
          split lists into individual files - default is on for
	  'mailagent' and off for others
  --type TYPE_OF_OUTPUT 
          "sendmail" or "mailagent" - default ["mailagent"]
  --[no]verbose Whether $MYNAME should be verbose.


  $ret = GetOptions("lists=s"    => \$lists,
		    "output=s"   => \$spam_base,
		    "split!"     => \$split_lists,
		    "type=s"     => \$output_type,
		    "verbose!"   => \$verbose,
		    "help"       => \$help);
  die "$usage" unless $ret; 
  die "$usage" if $help;

  my $host = hostname();
  if ($host !~ /\./) {
    # Try to add a domain name?
    my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyname($host);
    my @aliases = grep(/\./,split(/\s+/,$aliases));
    $host = $aliases[0] if @aliases;

  my $ftpuser = "ftp:despammer%40" . uri_escape ("$host");

=head2 Known locations for Spam lists

There are a number of sites on the network, either on the Web, or
anonymous ftp servers, that maintain lists of domains and email
addresses that are known to generate spam. The addresses are stored in
a hash. Currently valid keys are aol, mindspring, znet, iocom,
nancynet, cyberpromo, and llv.


  my %urls = 
    ('aol', "http://www.idot.aol.com/preferredmail/";,
     'mindspring', "http://www.mindspring.com/cgi-bin/spamlist.pl";,
     'znet', "http://www.znet.com/spammers.txt";,
     ## too many bad matches: 'wsrcc', "http://www.wsrcc.com/spam/spamlist.txt";,
     'iocom', "http://www.io.com/help/killspam.php";,
     'nancynet', "ftp://ftp.cybernothing.org/pub/abuse/nancynet.domains";,
     'cyberpromo', "ftp://ftp.cybernothing.org/pub/abuse/cyberpromo.domains";,
     'llv', "ftp://ftp.cybernothing.org/pub/abuse/llv.domains";,

=head2 Parsers for raw data

There are parsers available internally for some of the sites in the
list above to massage the data into a usable format.


  my %parsers = 
    ('aol', '&parse_aol($_)',
     'mindspring', '&parse_mindspring($_)',
     'iocom', '&parse_iocom($_)',

=head2 Sites that may be mistakenly blocked

There is an internal list of sites that have been incorrectly flagged
as spamming domains. This can be used to tinker with auto generated


  my %unspam = 
     'concentric.net', 'non-spam emails', #wsrcc
     'demon.net', 'non-spam emails',    #wsrcc
     'hotmail.com', 'free email used by non-spammers as well',
     'interactive.net', 'non-spam emails',    #znet
     'mindspring.com', 'non-spam emails',    #wsrcc
     'psi.net', 'non-spam emails',    #wsrcc
     'shoppingplanet.com', 'non-spam emails',
     'vnet.net', 'non-spam emails',   #wsrcc
     'yoyo.com', 'non-spam emails',
  if (! $split_lists) {
    open OUT, ">${spam_base}" or die  "create ${spam_base}: $!";

  my $site;
  foreach $site (keys %urls) {
    print "# Processing '$site' at URL $urls{$site}\n" if $verbose;
    if ($_ = get $urls{$site}) {
      if ($split_lists) {
	open OUT, ">${spam_base}-$site" or
	  die  "create ${spam_base}-$site: $!";
      ## 1) Filter out duplicate sites if going to one spamlist file.
      ## 2) Filter out '#'-started comments.
      ## 3) Filter out blank lines.
      ## 4) be sure $1 is what you want in the annotation
      ## 5) if no @ char, stick a "any user/any subdomain/host" regexp in.
      print OUT map {s/\#.*$//;
		     /\S/ && eval "\&filter_${output_type}(\$_)";
		   } grep((!$unspam{$_} &&
			   ($split_lists || !$unspam{$_}++)),
			  ($parsers{$site} ?
			   eval "$parsers{$site}" : split /\n/));
      close OUT if $split_lists;
    else {
      warn "Cannot get $urls{$site}\n";
  close OUT if !$split_lists;

sub filter_mailagent {
    local($_) = @_;
    "/^(" . (/\@/ ? "" : "(.*[\@.])?") . "\Q$_\E)\$/i\n";

sub filter_sendmail {
    local($_) = @_;
    "$_ " . (/\@/ ? "SPAMMER" : "JUNK") . "\n";

sub parse_aol {
    local($_) = @_;
    if (! s/^[\s\S]*<MULTICOL.*\n//) {
        warn "parse_aol: missing MULTICOL in $_ ";
        return ();
    if (! s/<\/PRE[\s\S]*//) {
        warn "parse_aol: missing /PRE in $_ ";
        return ();
    split /\n/;

sub parse_mindspring {
    local($_) = @_;
    if (! s,^[\s\S]*?<pre>[^\n]*\n,,) {
        warn "parse_mindspring: can't find block of hostnames";
        return ();
    if (! s,</pre>[\s\S]*?<pre>[^\n]*\n,,) {
        warn "parse_mindspring: can't find block of email addresses";
        return ();
    split /\n/;

sub parse_iocom {
    local($_) = @_;
    if (! s,^[\s\S]*?<H(\d)>Blocked\s*Domains</H\1>[\s\S]*?<TABLE[^\n]*\n,,) {
        warn "parse_iocom: can't find 'Blocked Domains' table";
        return ();
    if (! s,</TABLE.*,,) {
        warn "parse_iocom: can't find end of 'Blocked Domains' table";
        return ();
    split /[\s\n]+/;

=head1 BUGS

None Known so far.



Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>




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