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Re: ppp configuring with dunc

All of that output looks normal.  Without more information,
I'd say either hte system you're connecting to isn't
correctly configured for proxy arp, or you're not using the
peer as the default gateway, which you should.  This used to
be in the default /etc/ppp/options file, but I just noticed
that its not in the latest one.  

You can grep for "default" in you *.ctn file(s) under
~/.dunc and see if defaultroute is getting set.  If not, you
can filre up dunc and go to "Modify" (then select "next",
OK, bla bla, select your connection) and go to "Details".
This should give you a bunch of settings to choose from.
Choose defaultroute by arrowing down to it and pressing
space bar.  You may also want to arrow down to "proxyarp"
and mark that as well, although that's only "supposed" to be
for the "server" or "peer" side.  It won't hurt anything to
have it on though.

If that doesn't change anything, check with the system
administrator of the peer and see if there's a problem on
the proxy arp server.  By the way, I get the message about
"Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP" also, it
doesn't affect my system though.

Outside of this, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

Good luck.


"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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