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Re: POP3 sending (was: What Linux needs)

On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Adam Shand wrote:

> I don't know of one email client that supports this feature (I don't
> believe that even Eudora does, although Qpopper does).

RIGHT! There NEEDS to be.

> spammers almost over night (if we can get it widely implemented).

I know of TWO MAJOR ISP's that are BEGGING for such clients to become
available.  It seems trivial to impliment. The ONLY drawback that I can
see to it is that there is NOTHING in the mail headers that will show what
IP address actually sent the mail.

I used telnet to port 110 of my provider, did:

USER my-username
PASS my-password
Xtnd Xmit

typed out message with a dot on a blank line at the end.


and I got the message.  It worked fine.

George Bonser
Why is it that the same people that tell us that manned space flight
is a waste of money also tell us that we have been visited by aliens?

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