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Re: POP3 sending (was: What Linux needs)

>I found it somewhere, let me look again.  I had it, now I lost it.  It was
>a description of the xtnd commands for extended pop3.  qpopper uses them I
>know but I am not sure about cucipop.

My understanding was that it was a qpopper feature rather then a extended
RFC feature.  Either way the problem is that mail clients don't support
this feature, so in order for this to be viable for most ISP's we must wait
for mail programs to allow use of this feature.

I don't know of one email client that supports this feature (I don't
believe that even Eudora does, although Qpopper does).

The requirement of needing an account on the mail server to send mail
messages would solve the vast majority of unauthorised mail relaying by
spammers almost over night (if we can get it widely implemented).


----------------- Earthlight Communications Limited ----------------
P.O. Box 5301	                Adam Shand 	       (fax) +64 3 477 5463
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