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Dima <dima@eris.dev.null> writes:

> It seems to me that what you're really looking for is an add-on to
> -- IRC seems to be the best candidate -- a protocol that would allow
> a person joining the channel/network send their ID 
> (eg. nick!username@ip.address) to the server.  Interested parties can
> now retrieve it and start ftp/talk/whatever.  Of course you'd ideally
> want an integrated client that spawns all those when needed, but that
> can come later.

Uhh.. what do you think the client DOES send to the server when signing on?

nickname, username, hostname, servername (of the server they connect to)
and their so called Realname, which is a text they can pick on their own.

So I don't see why you need to change a protocol already providing all the
mentioned information.

Ever tried "/whois nick" ?


| Stefan Berndtsson  | Stefan on IRC, hades.valhall.net |
| stefan@valhall.net |       *** VNC Forever ***        |
| God is not almighty, God is an attitude, worship me.. |

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