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Re: XF_S3V

Britton <fsblk@aurora.alaska.edu> writes:


> I think I must have been missing something about the color depth.  I
> thought with 4MB video memory you could run 1280x1024x24, albeit at 60 Hz.
> Mayby this is why my highest resolution mode looks so bad, with blurred
> screen and window edges and slanted text.  

Blurring is more likely to be caused by a low monitor bandwidth.  My
Viewsonic 15GA has a reasonable bandwidth of 86MHz, and my current
1152x864 at 16bpp gives quite sharp output.  1280x1024 at 8 bpp was a
little blurred.

(After getting my new M/B and video card, my old, cheap monitor
actually got sharper.)

> I understoon that the color depth didn't have anything to do with the
> refresh rate.  Perhaps I understood wrongly?

The video card can only push data through at a certain speed limited
by the RAMDAC.  I see from my X startup that at 16 bpp, this is 95
MHz.  This places a limit on the combination of resolution, refresh
rate and colours.  The 2400 may be better than the 2000.

See /usr/doc/X11/VideoModes.doc for a complete discussion / tutorial.

		Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

"[UNIX] appears to have the inside track on being the replacement for
  CP/M on the largest microcomputers (e.g. those based on 68000...)"

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