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Re: IRC bug ?

Matthew Tebbens <matthew@tebbens.idsi.net> writes:

> Found this message in BUGTRAQ, not sure if it has been seen here
> yet...

I already forwarded this to the bug tracking system, but the bug
tracking system is down along with master.  I've put a non-maintainer
bug-fix version up at


Could people please test this?  The machine I built it on is an IRC
server running a non-debian, home brewed version of ircd, and I can't
kill it to test the Debian version. [Well I could, but Stefan would
probably come after me with a knife or something]

It should work, the changes I've made are minimal, but if it's to go
in stable it needs to be tested.

Christoph/Paul, if either of you are actively maintaining ircd, sorry
and please just ignore my non-maintainer version, I assume it isn't
though since it's on the "Working needing done [...]" list...


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