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Re: Why Debian?

On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Gonzalo A. Diethelm wrote:

> Why should I get Debian rather than other Linux distributions? I very
> much like the idea of contributing to the free software idea, but I'd
> also like to get a functional, feature-loaded and maintainable system;
> in particular, I'd like good migration paths for major changes in the
> Linux architecture as a whole (libc to glibc, kernel 2.0 to 2.1,
> etc.). Would you advise to get Debian under these assumptions?

IMO Debian is the best Linux distribution now, and that's the only
reason I'm a maintainer.  And the answer to your question is: Yes.
Debian is easy to maintain, very stable, has lots of packages, and is
now migrating from linux libc 5 to glibc 2.  I don't think Debian will
migrate to development kernels (2.1), I think it will wait for 2.2 to
come.  Anyway, I think Debian is the best of the existing
distributions of Linux.


Vadim Vygonets * vadik@cs.huji.ac.il * vadik@debian.org * Unix admin
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