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Re: fingering/pgp keys

Nevertheless, .plan, .project, .pgpkey, etc. need to be world readable.
Just chmod go+r those files.

Nathan Norman
410 South Phillips Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173
email: nnorman@midco.net or  nathan_norman@mmi.net

On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

:Ok.. I installed cfinger and created the .pgpkey file.  When I finger it
:shows a different output (because of cfinger -- its working) but it
:doesn't show whats in the .plan or .pgpkey, only user's real name.  In the
:/etc/inetd.conf it runs it as root, so access shouldn't be a problem...
:what could be?   -- try fingering paul@imagine.tcimet.net
:On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Martin Schulze wrote:
:> On Aug 4, Paul Miller wrote
:> > How can I set up my system so people can finger for pgp keys?  I have no
:> > idea where to start, but there must be a template file somewhere.
:> Very easy.  Install cfingerd and extract you pgp key into ~/.pgpkey
:> (don't forget to chmod 644 it)
:> 	Joey
:> --
:> Individual Network e.V.                _/                     OrgaTech
:> joey@office.individual.net            _/              joey@orgatech.de
:> Geschaeftszeit: Di+Mi+Fr, 15-18 Uhr  _/            Tel: (0441) 9808556
:Cannot find matching public key, signature not checked.

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