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Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:
>I'd like an app that will announce to a central server that I'm online (or
>maybe distributed servers that communicate with each other for better
>stability), and that my client can check to see if my friends are logged
>in, where they're logged in, etc.
>Then it could fire up a talk client for you easily.  Personally, I think

IRC does all this...

The problem with IRC seems to be the general insecurity and instability of
the protocol. I suspect ircIII (or whatever it'll be called -- a new version
of the IRC protocol) would solve all of this, and maybe even be
backwards-compatible with ircII clients, if someone would get around to
designing the protocol and writing an RFC and a sample implementation.

I don't know the current status of ircIII, but I heard rumours of it being
designed somewhere about two years ago. Perhaps one could ask about it on
alt.irc or comp.protocols.tcp-ip.misc, or search the Web... And form a
working group if none exist now.

(I'm not interested enough, as I use IRC and talk very little...)

-=- Rjs -=- rjs@spider.compart.fi, rjs@lloke.dna.fi

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