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Re: easy script question

: > if the ~/.bash_profile I want to run a file if it exists.  I tried using
: > 'sh filename' and none of the variables were set.  However, if I append
: > the filename to .bash_profile it works -- the variables are exported..
: Not sure about csh, but I think bash (and sh) needs a single dot, i.e.
: ". $HOME/.sd.sh" (without the quotes).  I believe this is refered to as
: sourcing the file.  Bash man page should have more on this.

Yep, it's called sourcing the file, in csh it's done as "source $HOME/.sd.sh" 

- Mark Powers --- sudweste@mint.net -- mpower31@maine.maine.edu ---
 "When we cannot act as we wish, we must act as we can." - anon.
 "People are alright individually, but in groups they tend to
-- choose sides and wear armbands." - George Carlin ---------------

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