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Getting a Panasonic CD-ROM to work...

Hi all,
	I have two distressing problems. I'm trying to install Debian Linux
at home from CD, but Debian does not mount my cdrom properly. I have a
Panasonic CD that goes through my Mozart soundcard. I've been able to
install the module for the cd, but it does not mount properly. The error
message says that it could be an insmod properly. I don't really understand
what that means, and pointers to where I can get more information would be
greatly appreciated.
	My other problem involves install from disk. Since my cdrom was not
working, I attempted to create floppies using rawrite2 from dos. I created
the disks and everything seemed to be great, but after the fifth disk, the
program seemed to reset and go from the beginning again. I'm even more
clueless about this. Any pointers or suggestions would be greatly


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