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Re: 56k baud modem (x2)

> I'm refering to using the 56k upgrade to their 33.6 modems.  It's some
> kind of driver (not ISDN) for working on regular analog lines.  It might
> be something that reloads EEPROM or such.
> I'm looking for success and real connect speeds.  Sometimes people with
> 33.6k only get on at 28.8k or 24k.

>From looking at it, and reading other lists, the other end has to have a
connection.  So, you can't just connect "56k user <-> 56k user"... it must
be done "56k user -> 56k provider with special USR gear".  

Also, I remember bringing up the fact that its illegal (in the US) to run
at speeds
over 46k (or similar) over the analog lines... so legally, you can't go
that fast.
I'm assuming that this is going to be overturned shortly, since several
are coming up with 56k technology.  

I personally would just assume go ISDN.

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