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Re: dselect ftp from behind a firewall

The ftp option of dselect doesn't work for the machine I'm configuring at
work because I am behind a firewall.  With the Windows program WS-FTP I
can get out by ftping to the firewall and issuing a quote site <real ftp
address> command.  Is there a way to configure dselect to do the same?  If
not can it be requested as a future enhancement?

Currently I have to ftp stuff from Windows and then ftp it to the linux
box and I'd like to eliminate this annoying extra step.

-- Jaldhar

Jaldhar H. Vyas [jaldhar@braincells.com]   And the men .-_|\ who hold 
Consolidated Braincells Inc.                          /     \         
http://www.braincells.com/jaldhar/ -)~~~~~~~~  Perth->*.--._/  o-     
"Witty quote" - Dead Guy   /\/\/\ _ _ ___ _  _ Amboy       v      McQ!

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