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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

Dale writes:
> I'm not an expert on dselect. I use dpkg almost exclusively to do my
> incremental upgrades. I don't know if there is such a key, or not, but
> it's clear it isn't documented very well if there is one. If there isn't
> the bug is in the software instead of the docs (or including the docs).

Yell at me for saying this if you will, but what docs? I'm sure they
exist, but I've never read them. Installation, through dselect,
should be simple enough that you do not need documentation
to do it. I think the installation documentation that exists
is fair enough and required (I admit I read it, disregarded the advice
regarding switching off APM, and promptly had to start over :-),
but dselect, imho, needs to be intuitive enough for documentation
to be unrequired. I never opened the Windows95 manual, nor
any documentation on Slackware's pkgtool, if indeed there is any ...


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