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Re: Help please: installation of TeTeX on a Debian machine.

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

> Given my current frustration in 
> dealing with the demands/complaints from the users regarding the TeX 
> stuff that is presently on this machine (standard Debian 1.2 packages),  
> I want to try out TeTeX.
Very good idea! The advantage of teTex is that it is complete with all
bells and whistles described in the LaTeX Book and the LaTeX Companion
and that it is an implementation which adheres to the TDS (TeX Directory 
Structure). I never regretted having installed it here at my system and
still don't understand why we have to reinvent the wheel for Debian. Well,
maybe it's more fun for the maintainer of the Debian TeX system to do it
all on his own... ;-)

> Can someone please give me the source from their dummy .deb package which 
> takes care of the TeX dependencies when using TeTeX?  Either that or a 
> simple list of the needed specs would be greatly appreciated.
>From Markus Dickebohm <m.dickebohm@uni-koeln.de> i have the following
specs to deal with:
You just have to append the following lines to "/var/lib/dpkg/status":

Package: equivs
Status: install ok installed
Priority: required
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 1
Maintainer: Markus Dickebohm <m.dickebohm@uni-koeln.de>
Version: 4.0-1
Provides: amslatex, amslatex, amsfonts, amstex, auctex, babel, bibindex,
bibtex, bibtool, dvi2tty, kpathsea, latex, latex2e-doc, ltxmisc, ltxtool,
mfbasfnt, mfbin, mflib, mfnfss, oldgerman, pandora, ps2pk, psnfss, xypic,
texbin, texidoc, texinfo, texlib, texpsfnt, textfm, xdvi

Description: This is a dummy package that tells debians package-management
 about software on the system equivalent to debian-packages.
 Just name every package that is provided by your own activities in the
 line "Provides: " in the file "/var/lib/dpkg/status".

Then you do the following:

         touch /var/lib/dpkg/info/equivs.list
         echo "exit 1" > /var/lib/dpkg/info/equivs.postrm

Of course, you can supply your own adress in the "Maintainer"-field.
Have in mind that i had to break the lines here in this email! The
"Provides:" field is actually one ininterrupted line. If not, dselect/dpkg
will complain.

Maybe somebody else has already developed a fine wrapper script for an
installation of the teTeX binary distribution without dangerful messing
around with system files? 

I have installed teTeX-0.4 in "/usr/local/lib/teTeX/" with symlinks
pointing to the binaries of "/usr/local/lib/teTeX/bin/" in the regular 
"/usr/local/bin". This teTeX really is selfcontained and is very easy to
setup and maintain if you closely follow the provided READMEs! Dropping
in new packages (i added TIPA and MusixTeX) is very well manageable
because of the TDS layout.
                                         Happy LaTeXin', P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         pseelig@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

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