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Problem using Ghostscript with Mosaic

I'm having a frustrating and probably trivial problem.  I would like to
print some Postscript which I generated with "Save As..." in Mosaic.
It looks fine when I preview it with Ghostview, but the top and bottom
of the page are clipped off when I use gs to render it for my printer.
Printing starts about 1/4" from the top of the page, with more than
that much of what should be there missing; it ends about 1-1/2" from
the bottom.

I've tried obvious things, like making sure Mosaic was set for US letter
rather than A4 size paper and Ghostscript was rendering for letter size

Oh, the printer is a Star NX-2420, emulating an Epson 24 pin printer.
I do know there's at least one bug in the emulation (I fixed this with
a patch to the epson driver, which I'm pretty sure has nothing to do
with the current problem).  Maybe I should just buy a DeskJet?

Bill Roman  (roman@songdog.eskimo.com / roman@songdog.uucp)   running linux

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