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[1.2 installation] resolv.conf without bind; or should I just use bind too?

What's the recommended way to get a minimal resolv.conf file?

I wasn't planning on using bind, but no package other than bind seems to 
provide resolv.conf.

Should I just create resolv.conf my hand, or should I get the one from the 
bind package for whatever useful defaults (including explanatory comments) 
it contains?

- The main thing I need to do is to specify nameserver lines for when I'm
	on line.  (I use dial-up IP (diald and PPP); I'm not on a LAN or on 
	ppp permanently.) 

- I'm converting from Slackware 2.1 to Debian 1.2.
- To keep the Debian system clean, I'm loading default Debian configuration 
	files and then customizing them, instead of just trying to dump my
	old configuration files onto the Debian system.

Daniel S. Barclay      Compass Design Automation, Inc.
daniel@compass-da.com  Suite 100, 5457 Twin Knolls Rd.  Columbia, MD 21045 USA

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