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Re: activate VFS for kernel with module support - how ? (fwd)

Hi again!

	If you have Debian 1.3.1 CD you will see in /boot several files;
the rescue image is just the linux kernel + root.bin image, which serves
for rescueing and installation. The message you wrote before: VFS: kernel
panic, unable to mount fs, also appear when you try to boot directly from
Debian CD, by typing boot.bat. This is a bug (I think). If you want to
load the instalation / rescue disk, you must type:

	loadlin linux initrd=root.bin (the boot.bat lacks 'initrd='), so
the ramdisk cannot be mounted properly, hence the error message.

(ah, initrd stands for Init RamDisk)

Good Luck!

Hope it helps! (again)

(Send me a photo.jpg of Atomium if you have any & time & don't mind too
much :-)

Pancho Horrillo

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