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Re: barking dogs and i18n

>>>>> On 31 Dec 1997, Kai Grossjohann said:

  Kai> Franklin is writing pop3-biff.el.  Of course, it is only appropriate
  Kai> to have this thing bark.  Now, barking in English is easy: "woof!"
  Kai> will do just fine.  But nowadays, some i18n is called for.  So I told
  Kai> him that "wau!" (or "wuff!") would be good German barks.

  Kai> But what about other ones?  Surely people on this list can help?

  Kai> I think Klingon and Esperanto as well as maybe Swahili are very
  Kai> important in order not to alienate a significant user population!

  Kai> PS: Franklin, I hope you didn't mind me posting here.

Woops!  I shouldn't post at 1:30 in the morning, it is bad for my

I hit the wrong row in selecting the mailing list.  Silly me.  Thus,
let me explain that *.el files are for Emacs and Franklin is writing
an Emacs extension.  Now that you realize that I've hit the wrong list
you might want to ignore my question.  If, on the other hand, you
happen to have Klingon as your first language, I sure wouldn't mind if
you responded anyway!  8-)

Sorry again.
Kai Grossjohann, Informatik VI        grossjohann@ls6.cs.uni-dortmund.de
Uni Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund        http://ls6-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de/
                                      Vox +49 231 755 5670, Fax -2405
I like both kinds of music.

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