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On Thu, 25 Dec 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered

I have a Sun IPC running Solaris.  It mounts /usr/local from a Debian
Linux machine. The Sun machine is madrone and the debian box is slowpoke.

The Sun machine mounts the debian partition just fine but if I do a
showmount -a madrone (which I think is going to go to madrone and ask it
if anyone has anything mounted FROM it) I get the same error as shown

If I just do a showmount -a on the Debian machine, I see the partition
that madrone has mounted.

Now, if I go to calvin, another Debian box and so a showmount -a madrone
I get the error, showmount -a slowpoke works fine 

SO! I come to the conclusion that mountd and nfsd must be running on the
target machine listed after the -a AND if must have at least one directory
exported for it to work:

madrone% /usr/sbin/showmount -a
showmount: madrone: RPC: Program not registered
madrone% /usr/sbin/showmount -a slowpoke
madrone% /usr/sbin/showmount -a calvin
showmount: calvin: RPC: Program not registered

The only machine that this works for is the only machine that has a file
exported.  The above is the error message that Solaris reports, the Debian
boxes report the same error you reported.

George Bonser 
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