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Diamond Stealth II S220 card

I just received a couple of machines that were to be shipped with
Diamond Stealth video cards.  Well they do have such cards but they
are a new revision that does not seem to be available in the cards
database and is not even recognized by SuperProbe.  The documentation
says this card is a Diamond Stealth II S220.  I guessed that it would
use the S3 driver as most of the other Diamond cards do.  However,
neither the svga nor the S3 driver can manage to probe this card and
get clock speeds and SuperProbe is also stuck.  I even upgraded to
the hamm distribution so I would using the 3.3.1 drivers.

The www.xfree86.org web site does not seem to have any information on
this card.  Does anyone have suggestions of where I can look for
information on this?
Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

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