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Re: smail config for an ISP with PPP+SMTP+POP3 - How to do?

On Mon, 22 Dec 1997 23:48:59 +0100, "Daniel Gross" wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm not a real u**x freak, and so I have a (probably very simple) question:
  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We'll pray for your redemption. :-)

Also, mail config can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be.

> I'm connecting to the Internet using an ISP with dynamic IP-adresses, and
> a SMTP/POP3 mail system. Now I want to send / get my mail with debian but I'm
> not sure, which of the five standard smail options I should choose.

I think you want the "Internet" option.

> Can anyone help me with example config files or something else (eventually a
> book?). 

Even with having chosen smail as your mail transport agent (good 
choice), you have a number of choices yet to make, e.g.: your Mail User 
Agent (email client) and Mail Forwarding Agent (fetchmail, procmail, or 
possibly your email client). Your needs, preferences and perhaps your 
level of experience will determine which are most suitable for you.

I use smail, fetchmail, procmail, and exmh.  I found the config files 
from a couple debian users available on their webpages very helpful in 
setting up my mail system, and you might find the same:

	Steve Kosteke's

	Daniel Martin's

I don't know what your web browser situation is, but assuming you can 
at least text browse, there's a lot of information available all over 
the web (try your favorite search engine with some well chosen 
keywords), as well as on your system (try /usr/doc/name_of_package).  
There are also a bunch of HOWTO's which you might find relevant (in 
/usr/doc/HOWTO or on the web).

I don't know of any book that covers the myriad of options very well, 
so in this instance I'd recommend the piecemeal approach mentioned 
above.  You may still wish to get a good un*x book and redeem yourself. 
David Stern


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