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Re: Full Root

Anthony Landreneau wrote:
  >My root partition, of 400 megs is full. The partition   /usr  and that of
  >/var are all on their own partition.  I have looked in every directory for
  >a core file, and have scanned for viruses.  There is no reason that the
  >root partition should be filled to capacity and I can't seem to find the
  >reason that it is.  Fsck, shows the drive as find.  Any help in this matter
  >would be much appreciated. 

Is it possible that you have data in /usr on the root partition, which is
hidden when you mount the separate partition on /usr? (Or /var, of course.)
To test, umount the partitions and then ls the /usr and /var directories.
There should be nothing in them.

You can use du to find out how much space is taken up by a directory.  Do this
with only the root partition mounted:

  cd /; du -s *

(Another responder said to use `du -sx /*', but I find that this does not
ignore other partitions; the man page leaves me uncertain about its
intended effect.)
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver

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