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diald and ethernet problems

I used to use diald to auto-connect from home.
At school,  I have an ethernet line,  so I just unlinked
/etc/rc2.d/S99diald and set up the ethernet connection,  which worked

Now I'm back at home for break,  and trying to get diald to connect.
Edited the scripts to change the phone numbers,  and did "ln -s
../init.d/diald S99diald" inside /etc/rc2.d,  so diald starts up ok.

It won't dial,  though.  Trying "telnet copland.udel.edu" returns "no
route to host" ... isn't diald supposed to setup a default route and then
actually connect when that route has traffic?  It's not happening.

I'm also wondering if I have to change my ip settings and hostname stuff,
since they apply ONLY to the ethernet line I have at school ... I get
assigned a dynamic IP address via the ppp server.  Diald's set up to
handle that ok,  but I'm wondering if it's still confusing something.



|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
|The problem with computers:                                             |
|                                                                        |
|                      rivendell[501] [~]> love me                       |
|                      bash: love: command not found                     |
|                      rivendell[502] [~]> hug me                        |
|                      bash: hug: command not found                      |

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