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Re: AMD K6

Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> > > So if you get a new chip then it shouldn't have any problems?
> > Yes, but talking quite frankly with the techs there, they said the
> > fastest they are turning them back around is 7-9 weeks. 2 months
> > without a CPU??
> a couple of things:
> a) the buggy chips are no longer avaialable.

True, but there are a lot still out there.

> b)  it really isn't significant.  It only occurs in *really* obscure places.  I'm not sure that anybody saw it in linux save during kernel compiles untell they went seriously looking.

I was getting kernel panics until I added 'append="mem=32M"' into lilo.conf
on a 64MB machine. This was while the machine was servering up just
web stuff.

> c)  i have'nt looked for a few weeks, but the hardware newsgroups were reporting almost instant turn-around.  As well as the ability, if you lived nearby, to walk it through.

I live in NY, so that was out of the question. It runs fine in winders95
with 64MB RAM though.. <shrug>


 (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
		 "The squeaky wheel gets the grease,
  but gets changed at the next opportunity if it squeaks habitually."
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