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Re: setting up a cable-modem

   The card is made by General Instruments.  The TV cable does go into the back of the
   card.  In my house, we have only 1 cable box, and that's in the living room.  My
   linux box is in my room.  So there's no cable box within 25 feet of my computer.  I
   read the cable-modem mini-HOWTO and it says that linux supports my ISP (MediaOne).
   The HOWTO says that it will detect the card, then use DHCP to talk with the 'net.  I
   can't even get Linux to detect it.  Debian won't detect it on boot, so when the boot
   prompt comes up, I type: linux ether=11, 0x300. This does not work either. Any

Might be unrelated, but I think that no spaces are allowed in
arguments; i.e., "linux ether=11,0x300" is more correct.

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