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Re: Mirroring hamm question

I don't have an answer to Caleb's questioning about mirroring hamm,
but I do have a related question.

There are symbolic links in the hamm tree which point to the
corresponding bo file for files which have not yet been upgraded to
hamm.  I would like to mirror all of hamm, and only that part of bo
which is pointed to by links from hamm.  From reading the mirror man
page, it looks to me like I could do this by "flattening out" the
remote site symlinks using ``flags_recursive+L'', but I would rather
have those bo files pointed to by hamm links actually mirrored in a
(partial) bo tree, and keep the links as links in my local hamm
mirror.  Is it possible to tell mirror to do that?  I don't have
enough disk space to have a complete mirror of bo in addition to hamm,
and I like to be able to see the links as they indicate that the file
has not yet been uploaded for hamm.

Kirk Hilliard

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