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RE: Minicom

This sounds like you havn't specified your dns. You need to do that 
as a numeric, that is, in my case, - try adding the line:


to your /etc/resolv.conf file where is the proper 
string for your dns.  HTH

On 13-Dec-97 tango@inx.net wrote:
>I installed and configured minicom but I'm still have a few problems.  I
>ran minicom and entered the prefix and phone number, the modem dialed-up
>and connected to my isp.  I then entered my user id and passwd and it
>when into ppp data or something to that effect and started sending data
>(aka junk and random symbols).  I hit ctrl-A then q, and it asked me if
>I wanted to quit without resetting, I said yes and it dropped me back at
>the prompt.  I typed pppd and it didn't do nothing, but it didn't give
>me an error.  Then I when to ping myisp, ping www.linux.org, ping
>www.cnet.com and alot other, but every ping came back, network
>unreachable, or host not found.  Same thing happens with telnet and
>ftp.  But sometimes if I pick up the phone I can hear the modem
>working.  But if I wait about 1 minute after I type in pppd, I get a
>Any information would be pleased,
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Ralph Winslow                 rjw@nac.net
Mary bought a pair of skates
upon the ice to frisk
now wasn't that a crazy way
her sweet young *?

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