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I installed and configured minicom but I'm still have a few problems.  I
ran minicom and entered the prefix and phone number, the modem dialed-up
and connected to my isp.  I then entered my user id and passwd and it
when into ppp data or something to that effect and started sending data
(aka junk and random symbols).  I hit ctrl-A then q, and it asked me if
I wanted to quit without resetting, I said yes and it dropped me back at
the prompt.  I typed pppd and it didn't do nothing, but it didn't give
me an error.  Then I when to ping myisp, ping www.linux.org, ping
www.cnet.com and alot other, but every ping came back, network
unreachable, or host not found.  Same thing happens with telnet and
ftp.  But sometimes if I pick up the phone I can hear the modem
working.  But if I wait about 1 minute after I type in pppd, I get a

Any information would be pleased,


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